Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hukum Karma

Boleh caya ke? i totally believe in Karma.What u give, u will get back.Just a matter of now or later..

For the past 3 or 4 years, my life werent so good.Life,friendship,love, career,just name it..As for life, i havent reach my target which i still searching for something. Love?pehhh...still xder luck lagi.. im keep thinking,there must be something that i did wrong to anyone which makes me keep losing somebody. As i remembered, the percentage of me being a jerk during my last relationship is quite high..and for that, i seek for your forgiveness..somebody use to tell me that it easy to forgive but not to forget..its true,ive been there myself..So, what ever God give me,i will take it as the way it is. i deserve it..

Life is a rollercoaster,right?sometimes we sit on the front seat,sometimes at the middle and sometimes at the back..well of course, it also depend on how long is the lines..hehe..

As for career, im okay with my job rite now. But still searching my dream job..The kind of job that makes me go ridiculously mad on the workload,tons of pressure but at the end of the day, im still heppi coz i love my job so much..Same as my passion for soccer, although ive been undergo a knee surgery,but that wont keep me stop from playing..no chance!! when we love someone,something,we believe in it and for that we will continue doing it for better..this is what i believe..


Nurul Hayati said...

i'm karma believer..setiap buatan ada balasan..what goes around come around, what goes up must come down ;p

Azri Gadafi Saidi said...

your attitude shows that u believe dear..good for you..