Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Greatest Goal

Hey guys!!its been a while huh?hahaha..todays topic is all about GOAL,my goal..finally figure out what do i want in life..but not so specific and might change according to my hormones..hehe..

and the goals are(without sorting which one is the most important):

1. Bungee Jump(DONE)
2. Water Rafting
3. Base jump
4. Visit Old trafford
5. Meet Eric Cantona
6. Great Job
7. Good Gf
8. To buy my parents a house
9. To have a twin kid
10. To learn how to fly an aeroplane
11. To have a yacht
12. A football stadium name after me
13. Travel around the world

agragragrahgrhhhh..im suddenly blank..this list is not over yet..will be continued...


Linda said...

nk tambah lg 1..to have Renault car..

Mandara said...

hi yaya..renault je?

Linda said...

dah tuh? nk kete pe lg??