Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Me Got Under The Knife

Well, not exactly under it..hehe..On 29/5/2009, i undergo a surgery on my voice box.. Tak tau cmne leh ada ketulan plak betul2 atas wayar peti suara tu(istilah doktor)..

As i recalled, punca terjadi masalah ini sangat la remeh.. we could not just karok when our body is not in best condition..On that day,im happen to be in fever,flu and bad throat day..By putting aside all the factors, i went for karaoke..i remembered that i take on heavy songs like bon jovi, michael bolton,slank..which none of this song that i can fully sang it even when my voice is normal..haha.. i asked for it and i got it!!

Its been a year and a half before i realize that my voice become more husky and im not comfortable with it..I've decide to see a specialist.At first i just wanna check my voice,paling2 teruk pon kena inject ke apa ke kan..tup2..doc cakap esok pagi kol 9 kite operate..you boleh bgtau family u kalo nak bgtau..gitu je?selamba je muka doc tu..im excited tp takut jugak nak operate..but for the sake of passion for singing,i go for it..

The operation take about only 1 hour..I'll be back in singing after 6 weeks..i just have to rest my voice completely for 2 weeks and slow talk for the rest of the weeks..

I cant wait for my 1st karok session!!!


~Seven~ said...

cm gaya org somalia nk kena operate je!!!kurus kering benor..heheh

Mandara said...

cett...orang sakit mmg nampak kurus laaa..P

Sunshine said...

Hahaha..siannye..so skinny..tula..tak leh nyanyi nk tebeng gak nyanyi..learn from the lesson k.voice like gold..so u must take care of it. tp bagus jugak bile dah jadi gini..slowly can stop smoking..its gud for u also, babe..

nur.sa said...

slowly can stop smoking..<---first day masok opis rokok dulu yg ade kt mulut dia..cehh..

Nurul Hayati said...

nanti kita karaoke sampai lemau,,,straight 6 jammm ;p